Republicans Show Their True Colors


Mother Jones (one of only a few remaining places we can still go to find out what’s actually happening), is reporting that the Republicans have included a plank in their platform calling for abortion to be outlawed under any circumstance.   If the mother’s life is in jeopardy, if the pregnancy is caused by rape or incest, ectopic pregnancy, none of it matters to the Republican Party.   This party, which keeps telling us that big government is the problem, not only wants big government to decide whether American women can have a legal abortion, they are also calling for big government to tell me when the spirit enters the zygote, or is it the fetus?  It must be the zygote, if they want abortion outlawed from the moment of conception?  And that my friends, is for me, a religious question.   I am a firm believer in the separation of the mind (spirit) and the body.  For me, it’s a matter of religious belief and anybody who presumes to tell me what to believe with regard to religion, anyone who presumes to foist their personally held theological beliefs on me, can go stuff it.   That, after all, is why the Pilgrims left Britain, risking their lives to get here in a leaky old boat.  Religious freedom.  The GOP is trying to take it away. Which makes the GOP, anti-American.

What right do they have to dictate religious beliefs  to me?  Or do they also propose an official religion of the land, dictated by the far-right with all other religions banned?  An official Republican government religion, dictating one belief system.  Who would decide what that religion would be?  Paul Ryan?  Todd Akin?  Or maybe Mitt Romney, who can’t seem to make up his mind on anything?  If God speaks to them, telling them what to do, then who are they to say that God doesn’t speak to me as well?  Maybe he’s sending me one set of messages while the far-right is getting another?  Maybe he’s talking to me right now, directing me to write this blog?  Maybe I should start my own tax-free church?

Get’s a little tricky, doesn’t it?  Which is why we need more and not less separation of church and state.  The founders understood this, the contemporary far-right, does not.  They are thoroughly presumptuous and ignorant in their belief that they can dictate to me when it is that the spirit enters the flesh.

If they truly want to eliminate big government, they can begin by leaving the question of abortion where it belongs, with a woman, her family, her physician and her spiritual adviser, if she has one.   The choice should be hers, not the governments.

The party of Lincoln has been hijacked by fascists.  One by one, our freedoms are being eliminated as they convince the misinformed huddled masses that their purpose to is preserve rather than destroy the American way of life.  It’s a lie.  Only the neo-feudalistic, Social Darwinist philosophy of the Ayn Rand set will satisfy their evil hunger to have it all.  Their primal Neanderthal need for absolute control over our minds and bodies, destroying the working mixed-economy established by Franklin Roosevelt, which gave us a societal safety-net that allowed humane human civilization to exist.  Their goal is to tear it apart.  And they are succeeding.

Outlaw abortion, kill Medicare, eliminate Social Security, strike down all the economic regulations still in place.  End the food stamp program.  Let the poor go hungry.  Let our poor and elderly go without health care.  Keeping the elderly alive is anything but cost-effective and anyway, who really needs them?  They aren’t contributing anything, are they?

Thank you Ayn Rand!  Only the strong should survive!   Wonder what that’ll mean for Stephen Hawking?  (I know Hawking’s British – but think about it – you’ll get the idea).

While we’re at it, we may as well make burkas mandatory attire for American women.  Men, after all, have no control over their sexual urges. If we’re going back to the Middle Ages with our thinking, let’s go all the way back.

Controlling women’s health issues is just one part of it.  These guys want it all.  The far-right with their fascist and bigoted beliefs are closing in on what’s left of the America FDR helped establish, and Americans had better start pushing back.  The Senate and the House have, for the most part, already been purchased.  Elections have been stolen and due process set aside.  The hour is much later than anyone thinks.

One thought on “Republicans Show Their True Colors”

  1. The hypocrisy of the GOP/TP has reached epic proportions. They say they want “big government” off of Americans’ backs. Yet, their policies convey just the opposite.

    The GOP Speaker of the House said their number one priority would be jobs, jobs, jobs! In reality, the GOP/TP has done nothing but suppress the rights of women and Americans at large.

    The GOP/TP has not focused on restoring our once great nation to a position of strength. They are obssessed with attaining power at all cost. They are the party of “big government” ladies and gentlemen!

    What gives the GOP/TP the right to dictate who I am free to worship? What gives the GOP/TP and their Constitutionally illiterate constituancy the right to impose their will on women?

    It is the GOP/TP who is restricting the rights of Americans, not progressives and the Obama administration.

    The GOP/TP’s slight of hand tricks have been effective with brainwashing too many Americans – and that is so sad.

    It is my firm belief that we would be half way through this terrible economy if the GOP/TP would have demonstrated a spirit of cooperation to move our nation forward. Benedict Arnold is a true patriot compared to these creeps in the GOP/TP. Facist is too kind a word for labeling these twisted freaks.

    The deficit soared under Bush/Cheney, and these creeps want us to believe it is Obama who increased the nation’s debt. Give me a break.

    Americans better ge their heads out of their behinds and wake up, because if there is a Romney/Ryan administration, they will make Bush/Cheney look like geniuses.

    BTW, didn’t Ayn Rand end up accepting government assistance in her latter days on the planet? What say ye to that Mr. Ryan?

    And to the Speaker of the House, how is the “jobs only” priority working for you?

    Ranking members of the GOP/TP are lying sacks of crap.

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