It was a beautiful Saturday night at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, a favorite spot for tourists. Also now a murder scene, as two people were shot, one of them killed as the City is on track to set another new record for murder.
Down in Chattanooga, there were multiple shootings. Not much being reported out, just that there were “multiple victims” and that they were mostly young people. You know, just a bunch of kids out having fun on a Saturday night.
Away out west, The Los Angeles Times is reporting that a gun and loaded magazine were found in a second-grader’s desk in Sacramento. All things considered, that’s hardly worth mentioning, I suppose, as coast to coast millions continuing mourning the senseless shooting deaths of children and teachers in Uvalde, Texas
23 weeks into the year, and we have now suffered through 27 shootings in the nation’s classrooms according to CBS News.
For so many of us, numb to reality, it will be just another weekend despite our ongoing national crisis in a country awash with guns as children are systematically slaughtered.
Throw another hamburger on the grill, pass another beer. Up the street, the local fire company is raffling off a brand new AR-15 as part of their annual fund raiser. Just another weekend in America.