God, I feel lousy. All those kids. A small town police department. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. And now, all the finger-pointing and the angst – again and again since before Columbine. So tired of this sh__t.
Assault weapons do not belong in the hands of civilians. End of story. For the first time, I won’t be flying the flag on Memorial Day. Most Americans don’t know what it stands for. Used to be “In God We Trust.” Now, it’s the almighty dollar. The best Congress money can buy. Don’t doubt it for a minute.
17 injured at a mass shooting near an NBA playoff game in Milwaukee, Friday night. Reports of ten dead at another mass shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, NY today, while gigantic dust clouds blow across Nebraska and So. Dakota and California suffers from a “megadrought” with fire in Laguna Nigel while a plane crashes into a bridge near Miami. This is starting to feel almost biblical. What else? Frogs falling from the sky? Think I’ll just stay in tonight.
With three mass shootings in the U.S. in less than a week, two of them happening within the past 24 hours taking 29 lives, with all of that happening, what does it say about us that we are out going to ballgames or otherwise pretending that everything is okay?
What the hell have we become with our white supremacist president who refuses to condemn white supremacist terrorists running around with assault weapons gunning down innocent people while our Congress is away on a month-long vacation?
Anxiety is caused by uncertainty and an inability to do anything about it, and it’s only getting worse. We have got to stop pretending everything is just fine. It most definitely is not. No more so than when the Nazis were separating families and putting them in “camps.”
Think “it can’t happen here?” It already is. We have been putting children in cages. It’s being done in our names, so we have been doing it. And now “we” will do nothing once again as our fellow citizens continue to be slaughtered in public places with weapons of war that should not be readily available to the general public.
I was going to watch the O’s game today. Now, I don’t think so. I just don’t feel like it. With “251-mass-shootings in the U.S. in 216 days” our country is turning into a model for murder incorporated. Don’t feel much like watching a game.