With 29 days to the election, I am struck by the absence of election signs – lawn sign – flags – banners – bumper stickers. There are almost none here in rural Maryland. How about where you live? I’m wondering if people are afraid of showing their allegiance one way or another? Never seen anything quite like it. Very strange vibe.

There was a somewhat unusual vibe on FOX tonight, unusual for FOX, that is, as VP Harris, answered Bret Baier’s questions with complete sentences that made sense as opposed to the blather coming from Donald Trump. Kudos to Ms. Harris, for throwing Baier’s own tactics back in his face, and talking over him as he attempted to talk over her, when she was providing answers to his questions. If not taken to the woodshed, Baier, was at least put in his place as he tried to turn the interview into a positive for the Trump campaign, something Harris did not let him do. Whether Harris accomplished anything for her campaign with her appearance, is an open question.

Meet the Press – RIP

So Kirstin Welker, is attempting to interview House Speaker Mike Johnson on Meet the Press.

First off, she isn’t up to it. She doesn’t have the chops. Secondly, I find it harder and harder watching these people go through the motions, pretending it’s business as usual.

Trump, should have been locked up and banned from ever running for anything again after he led his attempted coup. Now, here we are, potentially, Germany in the 30’s. And the polls are evenly split? God help us.

Do they still have a Reichstag fire up their collective sleeve?

All that really matters is the Electoral College, and you know the Republicans are gonna do all they can to stack and pack it in their favor. Just wait for Florida. I can hear it now, the Trumpists wailing about how the election isn’t valid because flood victims couldn’t get to the polls. So let’s throw it to the Supremes, who will anoint Donald the magnificent. It’ll be Bush/Gore all over again? You know they are laying plans. The FSB is probably working on it.

I know I sound like a conspiracy theory nutjob, but it’s all perfectly logical. Nobody wants Trump back in the WH more than Putin, with the possible exception of the Evangelical South. We are a nation in denial. There’s no reason Meet the Press would be any different, when reality is too terrible to contemplate.

Oh wait, Mike Johnson just said that he agrees with everything DJT has been saying on the trail. Johnson, agrees that Haitians are eating dogs and cats in Springfield. He agrees with Trump’s assertion that the oceans will rise only 1/8th of an inch over the “next 500 years,” and all the rest of the Trump madness including his statement that “I was never indicted,” or his threat to pull CBS Network’s license to broadcast or to withhold funding for fighting California wildfires. It’s a problem they wouldn’t have to face, had they followed Trump’s earlier advice and gotten busy “raking the forest.” That’s what he said, and it ranks right up there with injecting bleach. And nuking hurricanes. And supporting bloodthirsty dictators

Donald Trump, isn’t well. He needs help. Professional help. He appears to be truly delusional, and Mike Johnson, and the rest of the Republican Party, appear to be united in support for his ongoing illness.

I’m not sure how you counter that much toxic baloney on live television, other than going toe to toe with your opponent and forcing him off the stage, which is probably what Welker, should have done. If she had, I wonder if she would have been fired for it? So much safer to either “sanewash” the whole thing or just give up on a question and move on. He is Speaker of the House after all, and Meet the Press does have to uphold a certain amount of traditional decorum. And these Republicans do have gaslighting down to a science. Or is it an art form? Either way, it was born of the devil.

“Monsters” A Case Reconsidered

Just finished watching “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story” on Netflix.

It slowed down to a crawl midway through the series, and some of it, explicit descriptions of molestation, was hard to stomach. The good thing about streaming video, is that you can blast through anything that really turns you off. That said, it was, for the most part, very well done, and for those of us that were in Los Angeles in the 90’s, for the Rodney King riots, the Northridge Earthquake, and O.J., it’s quite a trip down memory lane.

I had forgotten how closely tied all these stories were, happening in a relatively rapid sequence, with O.J. Simpson being locked up in a cell adjacent to a cell occupied by Eric Menendez, at the L.A. County Jail. I remember when that made news, and how quickly it was remedied by the Sheriff’s Dept., after it hit the papers. I also recall a story that was floating around during the Simpson criminal trial, about the Simpsons being friends with the Menendez family, and that Nicole had thrown a birthday party for her daughter Sydney, in the tv room at the Menendez house. The same room where Lyle and Kitty Menendez, would be murdered. I can’t verify if this was anything more than rumor, but it appears to be true that Jose Menendez, was responsible for hiring O.J. Simpson, for all those Hertz commercials, as Jose, was with Hertz, and reportedly had occasional contacts with O.J. while he was with the company.

True to what actually happened, Dominick Dunne, is a central character in the tale. A displaced New Yorker, temporarily in Los Angeles, reporting out stories for Vanity Fair Magazine. An unusual little “father confessor” sort of fellow, Dunne, seemed to be all over the place. One afternoon during the Simpson Civil Trial in Santa Monica, I saw him having lunch with the PR person for the court. They were in a booth, and the woman’s mouth was going off like a machine gun. I could hardly believe it. Normally, she’d barely give us two or three words. But people opened up to Dominick. It was the “father confessor” thing. That’s how he got his stories. When the civil trial was just beginning, he showed up outside the courthouse saying he’d been away, working on his new book, “Another City, Not My Own.” He told me he couldn’t find an ending for it. Eventually he did, and to my surprise, he mentioned both me and my colleague at KTLA, Marta Waller, in the novel.

Making the Menendez case just a bit more interesting, is the fact that the L.A. District Attorney, is taking another look at it, based upon the series. There appears to be a possibility that the brothers could be released. But it’s only a possibility.

On a personal Menendez related note, an early assignment for me, after arriving in Los Angeles in 1982, to work for KABC-TV, was to do a story about the release of a VHS home video for the movie, “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” It was long, long ago, but I’m pretty sure the home video company executive I interviewed for the story, was Jose Menendez. All I can remember about the meeting, is that we were on a loading dock containing cases upon cases of VHS tapes going out to area stores, and that Menendez, was absolutely effusive about how well the tapes were selling. There was a VHS copy of the movie in the press kit they gave me. I still have it.

Context Matters

I’m no numbers-cruncher, but it irritates me that so many of the polls being reported out feature only the “battleground states,” and nothing about the bigger picture. If Harris annihilates Trump nationwide, won’t that offset the battleground states? Of course a “neck and neck” race in the battleground states is more interesting. And frightening.

I recall a time when Uncle Walter, tried to calm everybody down, rather than creating a state of high anxiety to drive the daily numbers. Last I heard from Nate Silver, Harris was beating Trump nationally in the projected popular vote, if the vote were taken at that very moment in time. Doesn’t that matter? Won’t that swing the electoral college for Harris? I suppose not, since the polls are just a “snapshot” of what’s happening at any given moment. As they keep reminding us, ad nauseam. Sorry, I’m old and grumpy. What was it we used to say? About never letting the facts get in the way of a…….something or another.

What do I know? I’m just a country kid from Frostbite Falls, MN, who once got into an argument about the future of Journalism with Lou Grant. I argued that it was circular, that we’d eventually circle back to the standards of “old school” Journalism. He argued that it would not. That there would be no circling back to what we once were. I hope he was wrong but think maybe he was right. Somebody should do a poll on it.

Journalism And The Survival Of American Democracy

A former colleague, a man who was a college professor before working decades in the news business, advocated for the licensure of journalists. Real journalists, that is, not those who continually tell falsehoods and then, with their feet held to the fire in court, admit that what they’re doing isn’t real journalism, it’s entertainment. By then, of course, the damage has been largely done, and those who most needed to get the message that fake news isn’t real and real news isn’t fake, are so far gone that they can’t hear anything but the siren call of fear and hatred – which they love, as it appeals to their gut instincts and requires no mental acuity whatsoever.

Wouldn’t requiring anyone wishing to be considered a legitimate journalist to be licensed take care of that? Or much of it? Media outlets, might also be required to obtain a license, if they wanted to be taken seriously by the general public. Let the Society of Professional Journalists act as overseer. They could set up a board, or regional boards, if necessary, using their existing code of ethics as a guide. Anybody losing their license, would no longer be considered a credible source for news. Not long ago, I thought this to be a radical idea. Now, it sounds absolutely reasonable, if we’re to promote the survival of American Democracy.

Another thought that seems more and more reasonable, what with the continuing growth of fascism and what appears to be much of the general public’s growing inability to identify it, is a federal law forbidding anyone other than a native born American, from owning a major media outlet. Not long ago, this idea would have seemed overly restrictive to me, smacking of too much government control. Then an Australian, and his children, none of whom are native born Americans, seized control of FOX. It was also before a man from South Africa who inherited an emerald mine, bought Twitter, and all the mind game political power that goes with it. It was before technology was moving so fast that we couldn’t imagine what the next hi-tech communications monster might be, or who might control it. The Russians? North Korea? Some wealthy trust-fund baby exhibiting signs of psychological co-morbidity who descends from a golden elevator in New York City, with the intention of becoming the first American dictator?

If only native born Americans can become President or Vice President of the United States, then isn’t it only reasonable that native born Americans should be in control of the publicity process that puts them there?

Isn’t the game becoming far too risky to keep playing it without adequate guardrails for the protection of American Democracy? Would licensing journalists and journalism outlets and requiring mass-media owners to be native born, is that asking too much? Once upon a time, I would have thought so. Now, they sound like reasonable ideas if we want to hang onto those freedoms we have left. One of them being, and maybe most importantly, government by the people, administered through elected representatives chosen by free and open elections.

A Couple Of Diversions From The Political Circus

A couple of recommendations for a diversion from our political woes.

Now into its second season, so you can binge, is “The Old Man,” starring Jeff Bridges and Alia Shawkat. Streaming on Hulu, it’s about a CIA retiree who is “hunted both by the agency he once worked for and his own nightmares.” Great acting, wonderful writing, terrific entertainment. It slows down in spots, but not enough to make a difference. Jeff Bridges, shines.

I also recommend “The Penguin” on Max, formerly HBO. Only one episode in this latest Batman villain Penguin prequel saga has dropped. It blew me away. The acting, production standards and story are all top notch. Colin Farrell, is a tour de force in the lead role. If they can keep it up, this should sweep the Emmys. If there is still a movie god left in Hollywood. In a world where “The Bear” is considered to be a comedy and James Darren gets snubbed on the “In Memorial” look back, nothing makes much sense anymore. That said, this is gritty, gamey, dangerous, violent and great. You have been warned.

I’ll also mention “Slow Horses” on Apple TV. A bunch of leftover, misfit, MI-5 agents who thought their careers were over are thrown back into the limelight and are forced to show their stuff in a world of intrigue and government bureaucracy. Gary Oldman, is both disgusting and wonderful as the lead. Again, this one is pretty gritty, but the acting and the writing are wonderful.

If the occult and spooky are to your liking, check out “A Discovery Of Witches” on Netflix. It has vampires, demons and of course, witches. Outstanding production values and incredible acting. For what it is, it’s really very good. Another scarefest on Netflix comes from the great Michelle and Robert King. It’s titled “Evil,” and it is. Scary stuff with amazing creatures crawling out of a hole in the basement wall. The great Andrea Martin, pops up now and again as a fearless nun for comedic relief.

Also from Michelle and Robert King, are “The Good Wife” and “The Good Fight,” with the great Christine Baranski, who is better than good. Law office politics and intrigue reminiscent of “L.A. Law.” Both these series are binge worthy. Both are on Paramount+.

Nothing mentioned here could be considered “light and cheery.” Possibly because there’s almost nothing new out there that makes me laugh anymore. There is “Shrinking” on Apple, with Harrison Ford at his deadpan best. Apart from that, there isn’t any new material that makes me smile or even chuckle. Nothing that’s smart or clever, even though awards for alleged comedies keep going out the door.

Wit, it would seem, is out of fashion. Except for “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which is so razor sharp and L.A.-centric as to be over the heads of much of any potential audience. It’s also possible that the very essence of what humor is considered to be is changing and I’m simply too old to catch up. Or maybe, and this is far more likely to me, they’ve just forgotten what “funny” is.

30 Years Since They Began Selecting The Jury For O.J. Simpson

My long-time friend and former colleague, Steve Werblin, one of the country’s top courtroom artists, just brought something to my attention that rocked me back on my heels – that 30 years ago, in the Criminal Courts Building in downtown Los Angeles, Judge Lance Ito, began jury selection in the criminal trial of Orenthal James Simpson.

Happy 30th Anniversay, to all of you in the massive journalism community that provided coverage for what would come to be called, “The Trial of the Century.”

For those of you not old enough to remember, football legend, O,J. Simpson, was charged with murdering his ex-wife Nicolle Brown Simpson and her friend, Ron Goldman. The two were stabbed to death on the walkway outside Nicole Brown’s condo in Brentwood, California, on June 12th of 1994. Goldman, was killed after arriving to return a pair of glasses, Nicole’s mother had inadvertently left at a restaurant where he, Ron Goldman, worked, waiting on tables. A river of blood flowed down the walkway stairs. CBS Cameraman Carl Stein, was first at the scene, followed a few minutes later by me and my cameraman, Bill Knight, from KTLA.

I visited at a lot of crime scenes in my career, but this was something I’ll never forget. All that blood. At the time, is was inconceivable that O.J. Simpson, two-time All-American from USC, Heisman Trophy winner and comedic good guy from the “Naked Gun” movies, could have played any part in the murders.

Eventually, Simpson would be found “not guilty.” Later, he would be found liable for the deaths of his ex-wife and Ron Goldman. In a civil trial, held in Santa Monica, a jury would find in favor of the plaintiffs for the amount of $33.5 million, most of which would never be paid out. But that’s not where it started. It started with the murders on June 12, 1994. For so many of us in the media, it began the next morning, leading to a pre-trial hearing that lasted longer than most murder trials and then with jury selection in October, of 1994. Probably forgotten by many, is that the prosecution decided to seek a life sentence without possibility of parole, if Simpson were found guilty. It turned out, he was not. He was acquitted.

Again, happy 30th, to all of you who were there when jury selection began in October of 1994. It saddens me that our grande dame of trial coverage, the great Linda Deutch of the Associated Press, is no longer with us. Also missing from our original front line are John North, of KABC, Chris Harris, of KTTV, Bill Knight of KTLA, Steve Chacon, of KABC and author Joseph Bosco. My apologies to any others that have passed on but have slipped my mind.

Hopefully what I have written here will prove to be factual. It’s been a long time, and with no editor, I’m flying without a net. Please feel free to report any inaccuracies back to me for correction. Thanks, and God bless us, everyone. RO

Is MSNBC Really All That Bad?

Help me out with something. I’ve been retired for a number of years, but feel I still have the ability to be reasonably objective. Even in the midst of all these new terms like “false equivalency” and “fake news.” It’s easy for the truth to get lost, especially, it seems to me, for those among us who have no memory of the Cronkite era, when the New York Times, was a shining beacon of veracity, and it was so much easier to make personal judgements based upon information that had run its course through what was then our traditional and trusted journalism filter.

So here’s the rub. For me, at least. There is now broad condemnation of MSNBC for being way over on the left and as such, far too liberal. Slanted. It is at least at the opposite end of the spectrum from the people on FOX and the gang of right-wing talkers Rush Limbaugh established. For me though, it appears that the pundits on MSNBC are simply trying to tell the truth, based upon the facts as they are currently known.

Why are media critics so eager to condemn that? Is it because the right is no longer the traditional conservative right, but a gang of lying cultists while mainstream reporters are still trying to cover politics as they always have and can’t adjust to this new normal? Is taking one side over another bad journalism, even if you’re siding with the truth over self aggrandizement and deceit?

I always thought, and still believe, that good journalism is a search for the truth, not denying it because we need to appear to be “balanced” in our coverage of a gang of liars and thieves out to steal our democracy – a thoroughly biased cult of Trump, that is so open about their deceit, that it has been normalized while those on the other side, like MSNBC, have been made to look like they are equally deceitful, because they continue to try and play by the rules in their search for the truth.

It’s so easy to get lost in the rhetorical shuffle, when fake news is real, down is up and night is day. Feels like we are being played by those that Hoover called the “Masters of Deceit.” I’m no huge fan of J. Edgar, but I did read the book and think he may have been right about this one. I think we’re being played, and being played to the max. I think it may be time to back off on Joe and Mika, with a huge assist from Rachel Maddow, for trying to tell the truth. At this point in our nation’s history, I’d consider welcoming Hoover back, tutu and all, to do combat with the demon seed left on our national doorstep by Roy Cohn.

Complacency And Neglect?

Is anybody else the least bit interested in how complacent the news media have become regarding the fact that Ukraine has not only invaded Russia, but is pushing farther into the country almost daily, capturing 200 Russian soldiers? The captured Russian fighters are being described as “conscripts,” with some accounts making it sound almost like they laid down their arms and surrendered, rather than fight the Ukrainians. Is Putin, running out of soldiers willing to fight his ego-driven war?

The Russians, meanwhile, appear almost flummoxed over the move leading to questions about what Ukraine will do next. Will they march into Moscow, with Putin making his escape to North Korea? Of course not, and yet, there are questions. I know it’s been more than two years since Putin invaded Ukraine, I know Russia has launched a missile attack in retaliation, but come on now, this is Ukraine invading Russia. A country lead by a megalomaniac dictator with a nuclear arsenal. He reportedly thought this thing would be over in days or a couple of weeks, and here we are headed for a three year long conflict that threatens all of Europe. A conflict that has resulted in tens of thousands of Russia’s best and brightest leaving the country.

Or am I expecting far too much from the U.S. press? A media controlled by a relative handful of industrial giants who have normalized a national criminal running for president? A man who should be in prison for leading an attempted coup? Only in America. Or Germany, in the 1930’s. Or is it just me? Am I losing my perspective, something I worked so hard to develop and nurture over so many years as a journalist? I think not. I think the news business has changed, and I’ve remained pretty much the same. Proud of it too, thank you very much.

Brain Worms, Bear Cubs And Shark Bait, Oh My

Haven’t said anything for a while, but now I just have to, all of it in regard to felonious convictions, electric boat or shark bait conflicted, Trumpty Dumpty, being endorsed by brain worm infected, baby bear cub road kill eating, science denier, RFK Jr.

Did you think you would live to see anything this nuts?

There’s a line attributed to the late Hunter S. Thompson, I can’t remember if it was in one of his books or maybe a movie. It goes something like, “No matter how weird it got, it never got weird enough for me.” Well friends, I’m pretty sure that if Dr. Thompson were alive, he’d rescind that statement. This is so far beyond LBJ conferring with his aides while sitting on the john or Dick Nixon, blasted on scotch, wandering around the White House in the middle of the night mumbling things to portraits of dead presidents. And with more than two months still to go, it could get even weirder. Probably will.

I’ve never been big on conspiracy theories, but there are apparently people who think lizard-brained aliens landed years ago. That they’re among us and in the process of taking over. Pretty far out there, but it does explain Trump and J.D. Vance.

If you’d prefer an explanation more on the side of scientific, rational and thoroughly sane thinking, I would refer you to the books of psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee and her learned colleagues in the field of mental health, or an equally interesting read by DJT’s niece, clinical psychologist, Dr. Mary Trump. If you have no idea who these people are, you haven’t been paying attention and really do need to try a little harder as you can be sure there’s more fun still to come.

Donald, could dump J.D. Vance, and install RFK Jr. as his running mate. Why not? The Dems already did it. Childless cat lady hating Vance, can’t talk to normal Americans in a coffee shop. Why keep him on the ticket? At the same time, Trump and RFK Jr. appear to be birds of a feather on any scale of wackadoodle behavior you might care to cite. Trump is already invoking the names of RFK and JFK, hoping some of the Kennedy family patina will rub off.

Everything DJT touches turns to you know what. And now it’s spreading to the Kennedys. Good God, haven’t they been through enough? Almost feels like we the owe the family, excluding RFK Jr., an apology.

A Short Political Screed

Thinking about the horror of Trump’s appearance with the NABJ, and what a terrible catch-22 we’re in.

If you put him on the air, even if you feel it’s your obligation to cover what he’s doing as a candidate, you’re giving him a national platform to spew his anger, hatred and fear. True, it’s not a journalist’s job to avoid reality, even if it does look like the next episode of “Evil,” but in this case, normalizing someone who led an attempted coup puts everything in a different light, doesn’t it?

Since his outrageousness is what feeds his campaign to destroy American democracy along with his ego-driven sociopathy, shouldn’t journalists stop providing coverage of his lunatic dog and pony shows and stick to an analysis of the issues? Since rational thinking is apparently something he can’t do, and he has no solid plans for America, other than attacking immigrants and women and cutting taxes for the rich, limiting coverage would provide added perspective on the vast divide between the candidates.

So far, covering Trump as though he’s just another candidate has done nothing but make a bad situation worse by normalizing his neo-Nazi movement. I know the campaign must be covered, but the Trump-free week following the announcement that Biden wouldn’t seek another term, while Donald was conferring with his cabal was heavenly. A return to sanity and the safety it provides as opposed to the master of chaos filling our screens and front pages with his blather each and every day. Or maybe putting all that insane drivel out there is a good idea, as there may be one or two voters who haven’t yet realized that the Donald is certifiably crackers. Co-morbid, as Mary Trump put it in her book, exhibiting more than just one psychological or possibly psychiatric dysfunction.

I dunno, it just feels to me like the news media was horribly late in getting to the party by not recognizing that this is not just another campaign, and as such, it requires a whole different kind of coverage. But that’s where the catch-22 comes in. Not sure what the answer is, I just hope Harris has the staying power to pull us through the storm and into a safe harbor while the usual bunch of reporters struggle to cover this mess as best they can.

Weird Is As Weird Does

After months of name calling by Trump and the American Fascist Party machine, the Democrats finally have a word for Donald and his goofy cabal. The word, is “weird,” and it perfectly describes DJT and his running mate.

You know it has to be getting to Donald, who appears to be spending most of his time at his golf course in New Jersey, while workers clean ketchup from the walls at Mar- a-Lago. Donald’s biggest problem now, apart from his need for a personality transplant and a conscience, is the absence of anything he can use to credibly attack Kamala Harris.

“Hannibal the Cannibal” loving, flag hugging , coup leading, Covid denying, funky chicken dancing, Donald J. Trump, is weird. So is his ‘childless cat-ladies’ hating, Yale educated “Hillbilly” attorney and running mate, J.D. Vance.

“Weird.” It’s the perfect adjective to describe what DJT’s niece and clinical psychologist, Dr. Mary Trump, calls her uncle’s psychological “co-morbidity” in her book, “Too Much And Never Enough – How My Family Created The World’s Most Dangerous Man.”

A scene from the movie “Young Frankenstein” comes to mind. It’s the bit where Igor, returns from the brain depository with a brain for the monster. When asked who the brain came from he replies, “Abby, something? Oh yeah! Abby Normal!” But that was just a movie. Mark Hamill and Jeff Bridges and more than 150,000 others coming out to support Harris on the “White Dudes for Harris” zoom call that raised more than $4-million was reality. Nothing weird about it.

The Bear? A Comedy?

Somebody please explain to me how ‘The Bear’ is a comedy? It’s received a pile of Emmy nominations as a comedy? Another ‘comedy’ that’s actually a drama is ‘Only Murders in the Building.’ It’s not a funny show. It’s a couple of comedians playing straight roles in a murder mystery.

Has Hollywood forgotten that a comedy is supposed to make the audience laugh? They appear to have no sense of what funny is. Have to wonder if that’s because so much of what funny used to be is now politically incorrect? Like Foster Brooks? Funny, funny guy, but he’d never work in contemporary Hollywood. Same for Dean Martin. He’d be banned from the air.

It’s amazing Seinfeld, hasn’t been cancelled, as Kramer, brilliantly portrayed by Michael Richards, was clearly dealing with a bucket-full of serious issues and may have been on the spectrum. Which is what made his character so funny. Are you telling me George Costanza, wasn’t overwhelmed by psychological problems?

People are now so worried about offending others, that in some cases they won’t even discuss what is or isn’t politically correct, and why – because it’s politically incorrect to do so. Somebody might be offended.

Bye, Bye, New York Times

I did something yesterday I never thought I’d do. I cancelled our subscription to the New York Times. The cancellation takes effect in seven days.

This morning I felt my decision to drop the paper was confirmed, when I went to their website and found four Biden hit pieces on the front page, above the fold – or maybe even five hit pieces, depending upon where you think the “fold” is on a website. My point, of course, is that the entire top of the paper is one massive smear of Joe Biden. Nothing about the Republicans continuing to support a twice impeached convicted rapist whose family has taken money from the Russians and the Saudis.

I thought the paper had dropped a notch or two since my friend Dean Baquet left, but this is madness. I cannot understand what their thinking is. Or isn’t.

Don’t know whether I’ll reconsider and go back to being a subscriber, particularly since dropping them is saving me $500 a year. That’s a lot of dough for a publication that’s apparently trying to bring down the one sane viable candidate for President of the United States.

This isn’t about the paper giving the appearance of not taking sides. This is about our house being on fire, the NYT’s as the nation’s newspaper of record holding the fire hose but refusing to turn on the water. It’s about advocating for the truth. I thought that’s what journalists were supposed to do.

Is The New York Times Being Fair To Joe Biden?

Is the New York Times treating Biden unfairly? I agree, the debate was a disaster, but if they are going to skewer Biden for his performance and for being too old to serve another term, then shouldn’t they be going after DJT with the same vigor? Haven’t dozens of mental health experts, including Trump’s own niece, weighed in with their professional opinions that Donald Trump has even more, and without question more serious issues than Biden has?

One, can do a critical analysis and determine the truth. The other, hasn’t a clue as to what the truth is. Not to mention the fact that he led an attempted coup against the country. Let me do that one more time in case you missed it. HE LED AN ATTEMPTED COUP AGAINST THE COUNTRY. And the NYT’s wants Joe Biden, to drop out of the race? Considering who the opposition is, shouldn’t they be begging him to stay?

The country survived Woodrow Wilson and Ronnie Reagan (what’s that they’re saying, mommie?) and FDR in a wheelchair. We survived Richard Nixon, who, according to Woodward and Bernstein, wandered around the White House talking to presidential portraits. Surely, considering the opposition, we would be better off with another four years of Joe Biden? Or maybe another one or two years of Biden, with Harris, completing the term? I may cancel my subscription.