I Have Seen The Enemy…


I know that both political parties have their faults, that both rely upon big money contributions to get re-elected and that we need to get money out of politics, but for the life of me I can’t imagine why anyone other than a CEO, a corporate board member or someone who lives off of their Wall Street investments would vote Republican in the upcoming elections.

For average folks, voting Republican is like refusing to pay taxes for the fire department and then blaming the government when your house burns down because nobody showed up to put out the fire.

Which is what a “good” Republican, would do.

Don’t be fooled. These guys will say anything.

One thought on “I Have Seen The Enemy…”

  1. I’ve been saying this for at least 13 years. I don’t get it either.

    The average Joe/Jane get’s absolutely nothing from the GOP/TP. It has always been abundantly clear to me who the GOP/TP’s constituency is…

    They are as follows:
    The individuals in top 1%, multi-national corporations, lobby shops, and the like. These folks have managed to manipulate the tax code to their favor, and they’re pretending our infrastructure can survive without them paying their fair share.

    Proudly declaring, “I’m a republican” when you don’t have a pot to… well.. you get the picture.

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