Haven’t said anything for a while, but now I just have to, all of it in regard to felonious convictions, electric boat or shark bait conflicted, Trumpty Dumpty, being endorsed by brain worm infected, baby bear cub road kill eating, science denier, RFK Jr.
Did you think you would live to see anything this nuts?
There’s a line attributed to the late Hunter S. Thompson, I can’t remember if it was in one of his books or maybe a movie. It goes something like, “No matter how weird it got, it never got weird enough for me.” Well friends, I’m pretty sure that if Dr. Thompson were alive, he’d rescind that statement. This is so far beyond LBJ conferring with his aides while sitting on the john or Dick Nixon, blasted on scotch, wandering around the White House in the middle of the night mumbling things to portraits of dead presidents. And with more than two months still to go, it could get even weirder. Probably will.
I’ve never been big on conspiracy theories, but there are apparently people who think lizard-brained aliens landed years ago. That they’re among us and in the process of taking over. Pretty far out there, but it does explain Trump and J.D. Vance.
If you’d prefer an explanation more on the side of scientific, rational and thoroughly sane thinking, I would refer you to the books of psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee and her learned colleagues in the field of mental health, or an equally interesting read by DJT’s niece, clinical psychologist, Dr. Mary Trump. If you have no idea who these people are, you haven’t been paying attention and really do need to try a little harder as you can be sure there’s more fun still to come.
Donald, could dump J.D. Vance, and install RFK Jr. as his running mate. Why not? The Dems already did it. Childless cat lady hating Vance, can’t talk to normal Americans in a coffee shop. Why keep him on the ticket? At the same time, Trump and RFK Jr. appear to be birds of a feather on any scale of wackadoodle behavior you might care to cite. Trump is already invoking the names of RFK and JFK, hoping some of the Kennedy family patina will rub off.
Everything DJT touches turns to you know what. And now it’s spreading to the Kennedys. Good God, haven’t they been through enough? Almost feels like we the owe the family, excluding RFK Jr., an apology.