Waiting For The Fat Boy To Sing


Interesting that North Korea’s new little fat boy man child dictator, Kim Jong the Unready, is threatening to launch strikes against major U.S. cities.  Never mind that our experts say he probably doesn’t have the weaponry to make it happen.  The threat is enough to cause a big stir among the poor populace of North Korea, providing a distraction from thoughts of what they as a people do not have as their feeble leaders continue to require being subsidized by China, a partially capitalist nation.

That, apparently, is what it’s all about.  Getting the North Korean masses whipped up into  a frenzy over the terrible, albeit imagined, U.S. threat, and the fat boy dictator’s plans to block it.  “Roly Poly Porkymon will save us with his super majestic magic exploding dough balls of fire!”   Get the common folk frightened enough, and they’ll let you do almost anything.

Remember Bush, Cheney and Condi Rice with their smallpox, anthrax, nerve gas and mushroom clouds over American cities?  Remember being told we’d have to buy enough plastic sheeting and gaffer’s tape to seal off our windows to keep the radiation out?  It was right out of North Korea’s playbook.

None of it happened, did it?  Just like nothing Kim Jong the overstuffed man child is threatening is likely to happen either.  If it did, we could launch on the fat boy and turn North Korea to glass.  However, that’s not likely, as there would be too much collateral damage in neighboring countries like South Korea, China and Japan.  The fat boy and his generals know this, which is why they feel free to generate tons of publicity by continually poking the nose of the great  American dragon.

If they’re going to continue generating mounds of publicity with the world’s press, then the fat boy man child needs to join a gym and get a personal trainer to help whip his flabby ass into some kind of shape.  Image, matters.   At the same time, his military leaders need to bring in a fashion consultant to do something about those idiotic caps they wear.  You could hide a pup tent in one of those bulbous things.  Or maybe they have giant heads?  If so, my  apologies for being so insensitive about their physical abnormalities.  I bet they bump into things with their big heads and maybe fall down a lot?

Goofy hats aside, the tragedy is that their inability to lead has caused so much suffering and consternation while their wack-job unpredictability forces us to continue keeping an eye on their posturing.  That, in and of itself, may be a good argument for developing more limited nuclear weapons.  Something we could use to take out the fat boy and his bulbous-headed generals without sending massive clouds of radiation over China and South Korea.   It was one of a very few good ideas George W. and his crazed Neocon buddies came up with.  The fact that fat boy can’t nuke us now, doesn’t mean he won’t be able to three or four years down the road.  Is that a threat we can live with?

This pudgy man child and his generals are making the Iranians look downright reasonable, and there are any number of American “hawks” who would welcome the chance to start something with Iran.  It’s something Kim Jong-un should consider if he intends to keep making threats.  If it’s his decision to make.  There are indications of an ongoing power struggle behind the Kim family throne.  At least one of Kim’s key military supporters has already been kicked to the curb.

There may be those among you who see my words as being more than a little hypocritical in that the United States, is also a debtor nation to China.  But, unlike North Korea, our leaders here in the U.S., have never declared war, or worse yet, taken us to war, simply for reasons of political expediency.  They have never whipped up fear among the masses just so they could achieve their political ends.  Er……I mean, take the administration of George W. Bush for example, and the WMD’s in Iraq. Or, maybe not.   Mushroom clouds?  I’m suddenly feeling a little conflicted.  I’ll have to get back to you.

4 thoughts on “Waiting For The Fat Boy To Sing”

  1. Ron
    ‘Treason never prospers. What’s the reason? If it prospers none dare call it treason’. I sense a tide of people who realize, as did George Orwell , that the shifting tides of alliances with Oceania, Islam, and the war on terror are nothing more than the same drumbeats set to a different tempo. It is a psychological stratagem someone cleverly called The Mean Machine. Mullahs, microbes, and Podunk nations who would be lucky to light their own farts are lurking in the shadows bent on our destruction except for the vigilance and cunning of our clever leaders. I do not here anyone ask why we have spent wasted billions on imaginary security and yet have never stopped one terrorist if you will examine the so called terror arrests of the last decade you will be hard pressed to find one that wasn’t financed,farm teamed,and taught to swing a bat by the FBI. Often the Bureau is often gracious enough to procure and purchase the tools of the trade for them. I do not doubt that there are many who dream of our destruction. But there have always been and always will be. But that is a requisite condition of an open society. So far, apart from 9 11, which true diligence could have detected and prevented, their master stroke so far has been blowing up their underwear on a crowded plane. Every day I try to point out to people that they are more likely to die from a bee sting than a terror attack, but with the cacophony of fearful zealots screaming, it’s like trying to teach a slow learner physics during a heavy metal concert. As the incisive mr Vonnegut put it. “So it goes”

  2. When you surrender your rationality and courage to combat an assymetrical enemy you become the very thing you were trying to stop

  3. Ron and Steve,

    You guys are too funny! I had several good laughs from this post.

    “Little Kim” is suffering from delusions of granduer. It is blatantly obvious that this puny little man is preoccupied with mental masturbation. No more, no less.

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